ActivityNotificationSchema: "\n id\n userId\n type\n activityId\n context\n createdAt\n \n activity {\n ... on TextActivity {\n id\n userId\n type\n replyCount\n text (asHtml: $asHtml)\n siteUrl\n isLocked\n isSubscribed\n likeCount\n isLiked\n isPinned\n createdAt\n }\n ... on ListActivity {\n id\n userId\n type\n replyCount\n status\n progress\n isLocked\n isSubscribed\n likeCount\n isLiked\n isPinned\n siteUrl\n createdAt\n media {\n id\n title {\n romaji\n english\n }\n }\n }\n ... on MessageActivity {\n id\n recipientId\n messengerId\n type\n replyCount\n message (asHtml: $asHtml)\n isLocked\n isSubscribed\n likeCount\n isLiked\n isPrivate\n siteUrl\n createdAt\n }\n }\n\n user {\n \n id\n name\n avatar {\n large\n }\n\n }\n" = ...

ActivityNotificationSchema is a constant representing the GraphQL schema for an activity notification query. It includes the id of the notification, the user id, the type of the notification, the activity id, the context, the creation date, the activity details, and the user details.