SaveThreadCommentVariables is an interface that contains the variables that are passed to the SaveThreadComment mutation. It contains the ID of the thread, the ID of the parent comment, the comment to be saved, and a boolean to determine if the response is in HTML format.

interface SaveThreadCommentVariables {
    asHtml: boolean;
    comment: string;
    id: number;
    locked: boolean;
    parentCommentId: number;
    threadId: number;


asHtml: boolean

asHtml is a boolean that determines if the response is in HTML format.

comment: string

comment is the comment to be saved.

id: number

id is the ID of the thread.

locked: boolean

locked is a boolean that determines if the thread is locked.

parentCommentId: number

parentCommentId is the ID of the parent comment.

threadId: number

threadId is the ID of the thread.