AiringScheduleVariables is an interface representing the variables for the AiringScheduleQuery. It includes optional id, mediaId, episode, airingAt, notYetAired, id_not, id_in, id_not_in, mediaId_not, mediaId_in, mediaId_not_in, episode_not, episode_in, episode_not_in, episode_greater, episode_lesser, airingAt_greater, airingAt_lesser, sort, and asHtml.

interface AiringScheduleVariables {
    airingAt?: number;
    airingAt_greater?: number;
    airingAt_lesser?: number;
    asHtml?: boolean;
    episode?: number;
    episode_greater?: number;
    episode_in?: number[];
    episode_lesser?: number;
    episode_not?: number;
    episode_not_in?: number[];
    id: number;
    id_in?: number[];
    id_not?: number;
    id_not_in?: number[];
    mediaId: number;
    mediaId_in?: number[];
    mediaId_not?: number;
    mediaId_not_in?: number[];
    notYetAired?: boolean;
    sort?: AiringSort[];


airingAt?: number

airingAt is a number representing the airing time.

airingAt_greater?: number

airingAt_greater is a number representing the minimum airing time.

airingAt_lesser?: number

airingAt_lesser is a number representing the maximum airing time.

asHtml?: boolean

asHtml is a boolean representing whether to return the result as HTML.

episode?: number

episode is a number representing the episode number.

episode_greater?: number

episode_greater is a number representing the minimum episode number.

episode_in?: number[]

episode_in is an array of numbers representing the episode numbers that should be included.

episode_lesser?: number

episode_lesser is a number representing the maximum episode number.

episode_not?: number

episode_not is a number representing the episode number that should not be included.

episode_not_in?: number[]

episode_not_in is an array of numbers representing the episode numbers that should not be included.

id: number

id is a number representing the id of the airing schedule.

id_in?: number[]

id_in is an array of numbers representing the ids of the airing schedules that should be included.

id_not?: number

id_not is a number representing the id of the airing schedule that should not be included.

id_not_in?: number[]

id_not_in is an array of numbers representing the ids of the airing schedules that should not be included.

mediaId: number

mediaId is a number representing the id of the media.

mediaId_in?: number[]

mediaId_in is an array of numbers representing the ids of the media that should be included.

mediaId_not?: number

mediaId_not is a number representing the id of the media that should not be included.

mediaId_not_in?: number[]

mediaId_not_in is an array of numbers representing the ids of the media that should not be included.

notYetAired?: boolean

notYetAired is a boolean representing whether the episode has not yet aired.

sort?: AiringSort[]

sort is an array of strings representing the sort order.