MediaListCollectionVariables is an interface representing the variables for the MediaListCollectionQuery. It includes optional parameters for querying media list collection data.

interface MediaListCollectionVariables {
    asArray?: boolean;
    asHtml?: boolean;
    chunk?: number;
    completedAt?: FuzzyDateInput;
    completedAt_greater?: FuzzyDateInput;
    completedAt_lesser?: FuzzyDateInput;
    completedAt_like?: string;
    forceSingleCompletedList?: boolean;
    notes?: string;
    notes_like?: string;
    perChunk?: number;
    scoreFormat?: ScoreFormat;
    sort?: MediaListSort[];
    startedAt?: FuzzyDateInput;
    startedAt_greater?: FuzzyDateInput;
    startedAt_lesser?: FuzzyDateInput;
    startedAt_like?: string;
    status?: MediaListStatus;
    status_in?: MediaListStatus[];
    status_not?: MediaListStatus;
    status_not_in?: MediaListStatus[];
    type?: MediaType;
    userId?: number;
    userName?: string;


asArray?: boolean

asArray is a boolean indicating whether to return the result as an array.

asHtml?: boolean

asHtml is a boolean indicating whether to return the result as HTML.

chunk?: number

chunk is a number representing the chunk of the media list collection.

completedAt?: FuzzyDateInput

completedAt is a number representing the completion date of the media.

completedAt_greater?: FuzzyDateInput

completedAt_greater is a number representing the completion date greater than the media.

completedAt_lesser?: FuzzyDateInput

completedAt_lesser is a number representing the completion date lesser than the media.

completedAt_like?: string

completedAt_like is a string representing the completion date similar to the media.

forceSingleCompletedList?: boolean

forceSingleCompletedList is a boolean indicating whether to force a single completed list.

notes?: string

notes is a string representing any notes about the media.

notes_like?: string

notes_like is a string representing the notes similar to the media.

perChunk?: number

perChunk is a number representing the number of media per chunk.

scoreFormat?: ScoreFormat

scoreFormat is a string representing the format of the score of the media.

sort?: MediaListSort[]

sort is an array of strings representing the sort order of the media.

startedAt?: FuzzyDateInput

startedAt is a number representing the start date of the media.

startedAt_greater?: FuzzyDateInput

startedAt_greater is a number representing the start date greater than the media.

startedAt_lesser?: FuzzyDateInput

startedAt_lesser is a number representing the start date lesser than the media.

startedAt_like?: string

startedAt_like is a string representing the start date similar to the media.

status is a string representing the status of the media.

status_in?: MediaListStatus[]

status_in is an array of strings representing the statuses of the media.

status_not?: MediaListStatus

status_not is a string representing the status not included in the media.

status_not_in?: MediaListStatus[]

status_not_in is an array of strings representing the statuses not included in the media.

type?: MediaType

type is a string representing the type of the media.

userId?: number

userId is a number representing the id of the user.

userName?: string

userName is a string representing the name of the user.