StudioVariables is an interface representing the variables for the StudioQuery. It includes optional parameters for querying studio data.

interface StudioVariables {
    asHtml?: boolean;
    characterMediaOnList?: boolean;
    characterMediaPage?: number;
    characterMediaPerPage?: number;
    characterMediaSort?: MediaSort[];
    charactersPage?: number;
    charactersPerPage?: number;
    charactersSort?: CharacterSort[];
    id?: number;
    id_in?: number[];
    id_not?: number;
    id_not_in?: number[];
    mediaIsMain?: boolean;
    mediaOnList?: boolean;
    mediaPage?: number;
    mediaPerPage?: number;
    mediaSort?: MediaSort[];
    search?: string;
    sort?: StudioSort[];
    staffMediaOnList?: boolean;
    staffMediaPage?: number;
    staffMediaPerPage?: number;
    staffMediaSort?: MediaSort[];
    staffMediaType?: string;


asHtml?: boolean

asHtml is a boolean indicating whether to return the result as HTML.

characterMediaOnList?: boolean

characterMediaOnList is a boolean indicating whether the character media is on the list.

characterMediaPage?: number

characterMediaPage is a number representing the page number of the character media.

characterMediaPerPage?: number

characterMediaPerPage is a number representing the number of character media per page.

characterMediaSort?: MediaSort[]

characterMediaSort is an array of strings representing the sort order of the character media.

charactersPage?: number

charactersPage is a number representing the page number of the characters.

charactersPerPage?: number

charactersPerPage is a number representing the number of characters per page.

charactersSort?: CharacterSort[]

charactersSort is an array of strings representing the sort order of the characters.

id?: number

id is a number representing the id of the studio.

id_in?: number[]

id_in is an array of numbers representing the ids to include in the search.

id_not?: number

id_not is a number representing the id not to include in the search.

id_not_in?: number[]

id_not_in is an array of numbers representing the ids not to include in the search.

mediaIsMain?: boolean

mediaIsMain is a boolean indicating whether the media is main.

mediaOnList?: boolean

mediaOnList is a boolean indicating whether the media is on the list.

mediaPage?: number

mediaPage is a number representing the page number of the media.

mediaPerPage?: number

mediaPerPage is a number representing the number of media per page.

mediaSort?: MediaSort[]

mediaSort is an array of strings representing the sort order of the media.

search?: string

search is a string representing the search term.

sort?: StudioSort[]

sort is an array of strings representing the sort order of the studio.

staffMediaOnList?: boolean

staffMediaOnList is a boolean indicating whether the staff media is on the list.

staffMediaPage?: number

staffMediaPage is a number representing the page number of the staff media.

staffMediaPerPage?: number

staffMediaPerPage is a number representing the number of staff media per page.

staffMediaSort?: MediaSort[]

staffMediaSort is an array of strings representing the sort order of the staff media.

staffMediaType?: string

staffMediaType is a string representing the type of the staff media.