StaffResponse is an interface representing the response from a staff query. It includes the staff's id, name, language, image, description, primary occupations, gender, date of birth, date of death, age, years active, hometown, blood type, favourite status, favourite blocked status, site url, staff media, characters, character media, staff, submitter, submission status, submission notes, favourites, and mod notes.

interface StaffResponse {
    age: number;
    bloodType: string;
    characterMedia: {
        nodes: {
            id: number;
            title: Title;
    characters: {
        nodes: {
            id: number;
            name: Name;
    dateOfBirth: FuzzyDate;
    dateOfDeath: FuzzyDate;
    description: string;
    favourites: number;
    gender: string;
    homeTown: string;
    id: number;
    image: Image;
    isFavourite: boolean;
    isFavouriteBlocked: boolean;
    languageV2: string;
    modNotes: string;
    name: Name;
    primaryOccupations: string[];
    siteUrl: string;
    staff: {
        id: number;
        name: Name;
    staffMedia: {
        nodes: {
            id: number;
            title: Title;
    submissionNotes: string;
    submissionStatus: number;
    submitter: {
        id: number;
        name: string;
    yearsActive: number[];


age: number

age is a number representing the age of the staff.

bloodType: string

bloodType is a string representing the blood type of the staff.

characterMedia: {
    nodes: {
        id: number;
        title: Title;

characterMedia is an object representing the media associated with the characters of the staff. It includes an array of nodes each representing a media node with its own properties.

Type declaration

  • nodes: {
        id: number;
        title: Title;
characters: {
    nodes: {
        id: number;
        name: Name;

characters is an object representing the characters associated with the staff. It includes an array of nodes each representing a character node with its own properties.

Type declaration

  • nodes: {
        id: number;
        name: Name;
dateOfBirth: FuzzyDate

dateOfBirth is an instance of FuzzyDate representing the date of birth of the staff.

dateOfDeath: FuzzyDate

dateOfDeath is an instance of FuzzyDate representing the date of death of the staff.

description: string

description is a string representing the description of the staff.

favourites: number

favourites is a number representing the count of favourites for the staff.

gender: string

gender is a string representing the gender of the staff.

homeTown: string

homeTown is a string representing the hometown of the staff.

id: number

id is a number representing the id of the staff.

image: Image

image is an instance of Image representing the image of the staff.

isFavourite: boolean

isFavourite is a boolean indicating whether the staff is a favourite.

isFavouriteBlocked: boolean

isFavouriteBlocked is a boolean indicating whether the favourite status of the staff is blocked.

languageV2: string

languageV2 is a string representing the language of the staff.

modNotes: string

modNotes is a string representing the mod notes for the staff.

name: Name

name is an instance of Name representing the name of the staff.

primaryOccupations: string[]

primaryOccupations is an array of strings representing the primary occupations of the staff.

siteUrl: string

siteUrl is a string representing the URL of the staff on the site.

staff: {
    id: number;
    name: Name;

staff is an object representing the staff associated with the staff response. It includes the staff's id and name.

Type declaration

  • id: number

    id is a number representing the id of the staff.

  • name: Name

    name is an instance of Name representing the name of the staff.

staffMedia: {
    nodes: {
        id: number;
        title: Title;

staffMedia is an object representing the media associated with the staff. It includes an array of nodes each representing a media node with its own properties.

Type declaration

  • nodes: {
        id: number;
        title: Title;
submissionNotes: string

submissionNotes is a string representing the submission notes of the staff response.

submissionStatus: number

submissionStatus is a number representing the submission status of the staff response.

submitter: {
    id: number;
    name: string;

submitter is an object representing the submitter of the staff response. It includes the submitter's id and name.

Type declaration

  • id: number

    id is a number representing the id of the submitter.

  • name: string

    name is a string representing the name of the submitter.

yearsActive: number[]

yearsActive is an array of numbers representing the years the staff has been active.