UserResponse is an interface representing the response from a user query. It includes the user's id, name, about, avatar, bannerImage, isFollowing status, isFollower status, isBlocked status, bans, options, mediaListOptions, favourites, statistics, stats, unreadNotificationCount, siteUrl, donatorTier, donatorBadge, moderatorRoles, createdAt, updatedAt, and previousNames.

interface UserResponse {
    about: string;
    avatar: Image;
    bannerImage: string;
    bans: any[];
    createdAt: number;
    donatorBadge: string;
    donatorTier: number;
    favourites: {
        anime: any[];
        characters: any[];
        manga: any[];
        staff: any[];
        studios: any[];
    id: number;
    isBlocked: boolean;
    isFollower: boolean;
    isFollowing: boolean;
    mediaListOptions: {
        animeList: {
            advancedScoring: string[];
            advancedScoringEnabled: boolean;
            customLists: string[];
            sectionOrder: string[];
            splitCompletedSectionByFormat: boolean;
        mangaList: {
            advancedScoring: string[];
            advancedScoringEnabled: boolean;
            customLists: string[];
            sectionOrder: string[];
            splitCompletedSectionByFormat: boolean;
        rowOrder: string;
        scoreFormat: string;
    moderatorRoles: string[];
    name: string;
    options: {
        activityMergeTime: number;
        airingNotifications: boolean;
        disabledListActivity: {
            disabled: boolean;
            type: string;
        displayAdultContent: boolean;
        notificationOptions: {
            enabled: boolean;
            type: string;
        profileColor: string;
        restrictMessagesToFollowing: boolean;
        staffNameLanguage: string;
        timezone: string;
        titleLanguage: string;
    previousNames: {
        createdAt: number;
        name: string;
        updatedAt: number;
    siteUrl: string;
    statistics: Statistics;
    stats: UserStats;
    unreadNotificationCount: number;
    updatedAt: number;


about: string

about is a string representing the about section of the user.

avatar: Image

avatar is an instance of Image representing the avatar of the user.

bannerImage: string

bannerImage is a string representing the banner image of the user.

bans: any[]

bans is an array of any representing the bans of the user.

createdAt: number

createdAt is a number representing the timestamp when the user was created.

donatorBadge: string

donatorBadge is a string representing the donator badge of the user.

donatorTier: number

donatorTier is a number representing the donator tier of the user.

favourites: {
    anime: any[];
    characters: any[];
    manga: any[];
    staff: any[];
    studios: any[];

favourites is an object representing the favourites of the user.

Type declaration

  • anime: any[]

    anime is an array of any representing the favourite anime of the user.

  • characters: any[]

    characters is an array of any representing the favourite characters of the user.

  • manga: any[]

    manga is an array of any representing the favourite manga of the user.

  • staff: any[]

    staff is an array of any representing the favourite staff of the user.

  • studios: any[]

    studios is an array of any representing the favourite studios of the user.

id: number

id is a number representing the id of the user.

isBlocked: boolean

isBlocked is a boolean representing whether the user is blocked.

isFollower: boolean

isFollower is a boolean representing whether the user is a follower.

isFollowing: boolean

isFollowing is a boolean representing whether the user is following.

mediaListOptions: {
    animeList: {
        advancedScoring: string[];
        advancedScoringEnabled: boolean;
        customLists: string[];
        sectionOrder: string[];
        splitCompletedSectionByFormat: boolean;
    mangaList: {
        advancedScoring: string[];
        advancedScoringEnabled: boolean;
        customLists: string[];
        sectionOrder: string[];
        splitCompletedSectionByFormat: boolean;
    rowOrder: string;
    scoreFormat: string;

mediaListOptions is an object representing the media list options of the user.

Type declaration

  • animeList: {
        advancedScoring: string[];
        advancedScoringEnabled: boolean;
        customLists: string[];
        sectionOrder: string[];
        splitCompletedSectionByFormat: boolean;

    animeList is an object representing the anime list of the media list options.

    • advancedScoring: string[]

      advancedScoring is an array of strings representing the advanced scoring in the anime list.

    • advancedScoringEnabled: boolean

      advancedScoringEnabled is a boolean representing whether advanced scoring is enabled in the anime list.

    • customLists: string[]

      customLists is an array of strings representing the custom lists in the anime list.

    • sectionOrder: string[]

      sectionOrder is an array of strings representing the section order of the anime list.

    • splitCompletedSectionByFormat: boolean

      splitCompletedSectionByFormat is a boolean representing whether the completed section is split by format in the anime list.

  • mangaList: {
        advancedScoring: string[];
        advancedScoringEnabled: boolean;
        customLists: string[];
        sectionOrder: string[];
        splitCompletedSectionByFormat: boolean;

    mangaList is an object representing the manga list of the media list options.

    • advancedScoring: string[]

      advancedScoring is an array of strings representing the advanced scoring in the manga list.

    • advancedScoringEnabled: boolean

      advancedScoringEnabled is a boolean representing whether advanced scoring is enabled in the manga list.

    • customLists: string[]

      customLists is an array of strings representing the custom lists in the manga list.

    • sectionOrder: string[]

      sectionOrder is an array of strings representing the section order of the manga list.

    • splitCompletedSectionByFormat: boolean

      splitCompletedSectionByFormat is a boolean representing whether the completed section is split by format in the manga list.

  • rowOrder: string

    rowOrder is a string representing the row order of the media list options.

  • scoreFormat: string

    scoreFormat is a string representing the score format of the media list options.

moderatorRoles: string[]

moderatorRoles is an array of strings representing the moderator roles of the user.

name: string

name is a string representing the name of the user.

options: {
    activityMergeTime: number;
    airingNotifications: boolean;
    disabledListActivity: {
        disabled: boolean;
        type: string;
    displayAdultContent: boolean;
    notificationOptions: {
        enabled: boolean;
        type: string;
    profileColor: string;
    restrictMessagesToFollowing: boolean;
    staffNameLanguage: string;
    timezone: string;
    titleLanguage: string;

options is an object representing the options of the user.

Type declaration

  • activityMergeTime: number

    activityMergeTime is a number representing the activity merge time of the user.

  • airingNotifications: boolean

    airingNotifications is a boolean representing whether the user has airing notifications.

  • disabledListActivity: {
        disabled: boolean;
        type: string;

    disabledListActivity is an array of objects representing the disabled list activity of the user.

  • displayAdultContent: boolean

    displayAdultContent is a boolean representing whether the user displays adult content.

  • notificationOptions: {
        enabled: boolean;
        type: string;

    notificationOptions is an array of objects representing the notification options of the user.

  • profileColor: string

    profileColor is a string representing the profile color of the user.

  • restrictMessagesToFollowing: boolean

    restrictMessagesToFollowing is a boolean representing whether the user restricts messages to following.

  • staffNameLanguage: string

    staffNameLanguage is a string representing the staff name language of the user.

  • timezone: string

    timezone is a string representing the timezone of the user.

  • titleLanguage: string

    titleLanguage is a string representing the title language of the user.

previousNames: {
    createdAt: number;
    name: string;
    updatedAt: number;

previousNames is an array of objects representing the previous names of the user.

Type declaration

  • createdAt: number

    createdAt is a number representing the timestamp when the previous name was created.

  • name: string

    name is a string representing the previous name of the user.

  • updatedAt: number

    updatedAt is a number representing the timestamp when the previous name was last updated.

siteUrl: string

siteUrl is a string representing the site URL of the user.

statistics: Statistics

statistics is an instance of Statistics representing the statistics of the user.

stats: UserStats

stats is an instance of UserStats representing the stats of the user.

unreadNotificationCount: number

unreadNotificationCount is a number representing the unread notification count of the user.

updatedAt: number

updatedAt is a number representing the timestamp when the user was last updated.