StudiosVariables is an interface representing the variables for the StudiosQuery. It includes optional page, per page, id, search, id not, id in, id not in, sort, as html, media sort, media is main, media on list, media page, media per page, staff media sort, staff media type, staff media on list, staff media page, staff media per page, characters sort, characters page, characters per page, character media sort, character media on list, character media page, and character media per page.

interface StudiosVariables {
    asHtml?: boolean;
    characterMediaOnList?: boolean;
    characterMediaPage?: number;
    characterMediaPerPage?: number;
    characterMediaSort?: string[];
    charactersPage?: number;
    charactersPerPage?: number;
    charactersSort?: string[];
    id?: number;
    id_in?: number[];
    id_not?: number;
    id_not_in?: number[];
    mediaIsMain?: boolean;
    mediaOnList?: boolean;
    mediaPage?: number;
    mediaPerPage?: number;
    mediaSort?: string[];
    page?: number;
    perPage?: number;
    search?: string;
    sort?: string[];
    staffMediaOnList?: boolean;
    staffMediaPage?: number;
    staffMediaPerPage?: number;
    staffMediaSort?: string[];
    staffMediaType?: string;


asHtml?: boolean

asHtml is a boolean representing whether to return the result as HTML.

characterMediaOnList?: boolean

characterMediaOnList is a boolean representing whether the character media is on the list.

characterMediaPage?: number

characterMediaPage is a number representing the page number for character media.

characterMediaPerPage?: number

characterMediaPerPage is a number representing the number of character media items per page.

characterMediaSort?: string[]

characterMediaSort is an array of strings representing the sort order for character media.

charactersPage?: number

charactersPage is a number representing the page number for characters.

charactersPerPage?: number

charactersPerPage is a number representing the number of characters per page.

charactersSort?: string[]

charactersSort is an array of strings representing the sort order for characters.

id?: number

id is a number representing the id of the studio.

id_in?: number[]

id_in is an array of numbers representing the ids of the studios that should be included.

id_not?: number

id_not is a number representing the id of the studio that should not be included.

id_not_in?: number[]

id_not_in is an array of numbers representing the ids of the studios that should not be included.

mediaIsMain?: boolean

mediaIsMain is a boolean representing whether the media is main.

mediaOnList?: boolean

mediaOnList is a boolean representing whether the media is on the list.

mediaPage?: number

mediaPage is a number representing the page number for media.

mediaPerPage?: number

mediaPerPage is a number representing the number of media items per page.

mediaSort?: string[]

mediaSort is an array of strings representing the sort order for media.

page?: number

page is a number representing the page number.

perPage?: number

perPage is a number representing the number of items per page.

search?: string

search is a string representing the search term.

sort?: string[]

sort is an array of strings representing the sort order.

staffMediaOnList?: boolean

staffMediaOnList is a boolean representing whether the staff media is on the list.

staffMediaPage?: number

staffMediaPage is a number representing the page number for staff media.

staffMediaPerPage?: number

staffMediaPerPage is a number representing the number of staff media items per page.

staffMediaSort?: string[]

staffMediaSort is an array of strings representing the sort order for staff media.

staffMediaType?: string

staffMediaType is a string representing the type of the staff media.