RecommendationResponse is an interface representing the response from a recommendation query. It includes the id, rating, user rating, media of type MediaResponse, media recommendation of type MediaResponse, and user of type BasicUser.

interface RecommendationResponse {
    id: number;
    media: MediaResponse;
    mediaRecommendation: MediaResponse;
    rating: number;
    user: BasicUser;
    userRating: number;


id: number

id is a number representing the id of the recommendation.

media is an instance of MediaResponse representing the media being recommended.

mediaRecommendation: MediaResponse

mediaRecommendation is an instance of MediaResponse representing the media that is being recommended as similar or related.

rating: number

rating is a number representing the overall rating of the recommendation.

user: BasicUser

user is an instance of BasicUser representing the user who made the recommendation.

userRating: number

userRating is a number representing the user's rating of the recommendation.