ActivityReply is an interface representing a reply to an activity. It includes the id of the reply, the user id, the activity id, the text of the reply, the like count, the like status, the creation date, the user details, and the likes details.

interface ActivityReply {
    activityId: number;
    createdAt: number;
    id: number;
    isLiked: boolean;
    likeCount: number;
    likes: BasicUser[];
    text: string;
    user: BasicUser;
    userId: number;


activityId: number

activityId is a number representing the unique identifier of the activity to which the reply was made.

createdAt: number

createdAt is a number representing the Unix timestamp when the reply was created.

id: number

id is a number representing the unique identifier of the reply.

isLiked: boolean

isLiked is a boolean representing whether the reply is liked by the user or not.

likeCount: number

likeCount is a number representing the count of likes the reply has received.

likes: BasicUser[]

likes is an array of BasicUser objects representing the details of the users who liked the reply.

text: string

text is a string representing the text of the reply.

user: BasicUser

user is an object of type BasicUser representing the details of the user who made the reply.

userId: number

userId is a number representing the unique identifier of the user who made the reply.