FollowerVariables is an interface representing the variables for the FollowerQuery. It includes optional userId, sort, animeStatLimit, mangaStatLimit, animeStatSort, and mangaStatSort.

interface FollowerVariables {
    animeStatLimit?: number;
    animeStatSort?: UserStatisticSort[];
    mangaStatLimit?: number;
    mangaStatSort?: UserStatisticSort[];
    sort?: UserSort;
    userId: number;


animeStatLimit?: number

animeStatLimit is a number representing the limit for anime statistics.

animeStatSort?: UserStatisticSort[]

animeStatSort is an array of strings representing the sort order for anime statistics.

mangaStatLimit?: number

mangaStatLimit is a number representing the limit for manga statistics.

mangaStatSort?: UserStatisticSort[]

mangaStatSort is an array of strings representing the sort order for manga statistics.

sort?: UserSort

sort is a string representing the sort order.

userId: number

userId is a number representing the id of the user.