ThreadCommentResponse is an interface representing the response from a thread comment query. It includes the comment's id, userId, threadId, comment, likeCount, isLiked status, siteUrl, createdAt, updatedAt, thread of type ThreadResponse, user of type BasicUser, likes of type BasicUser[], childComments of type ThreadCommentResponse[], and isLocked status.

interface ThreadCommentResponse {
    childComments: ThreadCommentResponse[];
    comment: string;
    createdAt: number;
    id: number;
    isLiked: boolean;
    isLocked: boolean;
    likeCount: number;
    likes: BasicUser[];
    siteUrl: string;
    thread: ThreadResponse;
    threadId: number;
    updatedAt: number;
    user: BasicUser;
    userId: number;


childComments: ThreadCommentResponse[]

childComments is an array of ThreadCommentResponse representing the child comments of the comment.

comment: string

comment is a string representing the content of the comment.

createdAt: number

createdAt is a number representing the timestamp when the comment was created.

id: number

id is a number representing the id of the thread comment.

isLiked: boolean

isLiked is a boolean indicating whether the comment is liked by the user.

isLocked: boolean

isLocked is a boolean indicating whether the comment is locked.

likeCount: number

likeCount is a number representing the number of likes the comment has received.

likes: BasicUser[]

likes is an array of BasicUser representing the users who liked the comment.

siteUrl: string

siteUrl is a string representing the URL of the comment on the site.

thread is an instance of ThreadResponse representing the thread where the comment was made.

threadId: number

threadId is a number representing the id of the thread where the comment was made.

updatedAt: number

updatedAt is a number representing the timestamp when the comment was last updated.

user: BasicUser

user is an instance of BasicUser representing the user who made the comment.

userId: number

userId is a number representing the id of the user who made the comment.