SaveThreadVariables is an interface that contains the variables that are passed to the SaveThread mutation. It includes the ID, title, body, categories, mediaCategories, sticky, locked, and asHtml variables.

interface SaveThreadVariables {
    asHtml: boolean;
    body: string;
    categories: number[];
    id: number;
    locked: boolean;
    mediaCategories: number[];
    sticky: boolean;
    title: string;


asHtml: boolean

asHtml is a boolean that determines if the response is in HTML format.

body: string

body is the body of the thread.

categories: number[]

categories is an array of category IDs that the thread belongs to.

id: number

id is the ID of the thread.

locked: boolean

locked is a boolean that determines if the thread is locked.

mediaCategories: number[]

mediaCategories is an array of media category IDs that the thread belongs to.

sticky: boolean

sticky is a boolean that determines if the thread is sticky.

title: string

title is the title of the thread.