MediasVariables is an interface representing the variables for the MediasQuery. It includes optional page, per page, id, idMal, startDate, endDate, season, seasonYear, type, format, status, episodes, duration, chapters, volumes, isAdult, genre, tag, minimumTagRank, tagCategory, onList, licensedBy, licensedById, averageScore, popularity, source, countryOfOrigin, isLicensed, search, id_not, id_in, id_not_in, idMal_not, idMal_in, idMal_not_in, startDate_greater, startDate_lesser, startDate_like, endDate_greater, endDate_lesser, endDate_like, format_in, format_not, format_not_in, status_in, status_not, status_not_in, episodes_greater, episodes_lesser, duration_greater, duration_lesser, chapters_greater, chapters_lesser, volumes_greater, volumes_lesser, genre_in, genre_not_in, tag_in, tag_not_in, tagCategory_in, tagCategory_not_in, licensedBy_in, licensedById_in, averageScore_not, averageScore_greater, averageScore_lesser, popularity_not, popularity_greater, popularity_lesser, source_in, sort, and asHtml.

interface MediasVariables {
    asHtml?: boolean;
    averageScore?: number;
    averageScore_greater?: number;
    averageScore_lesser?: number;
    averageScore_not?: number;
    chapters?: number;
    chapters_greater?: number;
    chapters_lesser?: number;
    countryOfOrigin?: string;
    duration?: number;
    duration_greater?: number;
    duration_lesser?: number;
    endDate?: number;
    endDate_greater?: number;
    endDate_lesser?: number;
    endDate_like?: string;
    episodes?: number;
    episodes_greater?: number;
    episodes_lesser?: number;
    format?: string;
    format_in?: string[];
    format_not?: string;
    format_not_in?: string[];
    genre?: string;
    genre_in?: string[];
    genre_not_in?: string[];
    id?: number;
    idMal?: number;
    idMal_in?: number[];
    idMal_not?: number;
    idMal_not_in?: number[];
    id_in?: number[];
    id_not?: number;
    id_not_in?: number[];
    isAdult?: boolean;
    isLicensed?: boolean;
    licensedBy?: string;
    licensedById?: number;
    licensedById_in?: number[];
    licensedBy_in?: string[];
    minimumTagRank?: number;
    onList?: boolean;
    page?: number;
    perPage?: number;
    popularity?: number;
    popularity_greater?: number;
    popularity_lesser?: number;
    popularity_not?: number;
    search?: string;
    season?: string;
    seasonYear?: number;
    sort?: string[];
    source?: string;
    source_in?: string[];
    startDate?: number;
    startDate_greater?: number;
    startDate_lesser?: number;
    startDate_like?: string;
    status?: string;
    status_in?: string[];
    status_not?: string;
    status_not_in?: string[];
    tag?: string;
    tagCategory?: string;
    tagCategory_in?: string[];
    tagCategory_not_in?: string[];
    tag_in?: string[];
    tag_not_in?: string[];
    type?: "ANIME" | "MANGA";
    volumes?: number;
    volumes_greater?: number;
    volumes_lesser?: number;


asHtml?: boolean

asHtml is a boolean representing whether the media should be returned as HTML.

averageScore?: number

averageScore is a number representing the average score of the media.

averageScore_greater?: number

averageScore_greater is a number representing the minimum average score of the media.

averageScore_lesser?: number

averageScore_lesser is a number representing the maximum average score of the media.

averageScore_not?: number

averageScore_not is a number representing the average score of the media that should not be included.

chapters?: number

chapters is a number representing the number of chapters of the media.

chapters_greater?: number

chapters_greater is a number representing the minimum number of chapters of the media.

chapters_lesser?: number

chapters_lesser is a number representing the maximum number of chapters of the media.

countryOfOrigin?: string

countryOfOrigin is a string representing the country of origin of the media.

duration?: number

duration is a number representing the duration of the media.

duration_greater?: number

duration_greater is a number representing the minimum duration of the media.

duration_lesser?: number

duration_lesser is a number representing the maximum duration of the media.

endDate?: number

endDate is a number representing the end date of the media.

endDate_greater?: number

endDate_greater is a number representing the minimum end date of the media.

endDate_lesser?: number

endDate_lesser is a number representing the maximum end date of the media.

endDate_like?: string

endDate_like is a string representing the end date of the media that should be included.

episodes?: number

episodes is a number representing the number of episodes of the media.

episodes_greater?: number

episodes_greater is a number representing the minimum number of episodes of the media.

episodes_lesser?: number

episodes_lesser is a number representing the maximum number of episodes of the media.

format?: string

format is a string representing the format of the media.

format_in?: string[]

format_in is an array of strings representing the formats of the media that should be included.

format_not?: string

format_not is a string representing the format of the media that should not be included.

format_not_in?: string[]

format_not_in is an array of strings representing the formats of the media that should not be included.

genre?: string

genre is a string representing the genre of the media.

genre_in?: string[]

genre_in is an array of strings representing the genres of the media that should be included.

genre_not_in?: string[]

genre_not_in is an array of strings representing the genres of the media that should not be included.

id?: number

id is a number representing the id of the media.

idMal?: number

idMal is a number representing the MyAnimeList id of the media.

idMal_in?: number[]

idMal_in is an array of numbers representing the MyAnimeList ids of the media that should be included.

idMal_not?: number

idMal_not is a number representing the MyAnimeList id of the media that should not be included.

idMal_not_in?: number[]

idMal_not_in is an array of numbers representing the MyAnimeList ids of the media that should not be included.

id_in?: number[]

id_in is an array of numbers representing the ids of the media that should be included.

id_not?: number

id_not is a number representing the id of the media that should not be included.

id_not_in?: number[]

id_not_in is an array of numbers representing the ids of the media that should not be included.

isAdult?: boolean

isAdult is a boolean representing whether the media is for adults.

isLicensed?: boolean

isLicensed is a boolean representing whether the media is licensed.

licensedBy?: string

licensedBy is a string representing who licensed the media.

licensedById?: number

licensedById is a number representing the id of who licensed the media.

licensedById_in?: number[]

licensedById_in is an array of numbers representing the ids of who licensed the media that should be included.

licensedBy_in?: string[]

licensedBy_in is an array of strings representing who licensed the media that should be included.

minimumTagRank?: number

minimumTagRank is a number representing the minimum tag rank of the media.

onList?: boolean

onList is a boolean representing whether the media is on the list.

page?: number

page is a number representing the page number.

perPage?: number

perPage is a number representing the number of items per page.

popularity?: number

popularity is a number representing the popularity of the media.

popularity_greater?: number

popularity_greater is a number representing the minimum popularity of the media.

popularity_lesser?: number

popularity_lesser is a number representing the maximum popularity of the media.

popularity_not?: number

popularity_not is a number representing the popularity of the media that should not be included.

search?: string

search is a string representing the search term for the media.

season?: string

season is a string representing the season of the media.

seasonYear?: number

seasonYear is a number representing the year of the season of the media.

sort?: string[]

sort is an array of strings representing the sorting order of the media.

source?: string

source is a string representing the source of the media.

source_in?: string[]

source_in is an array of strings representing the sources of the media that should be included.

startDate?: number

startDate is a number representing the start date of the media.

startDate_greater?: number

startDate_greater is a number representing the minimum start date of the media.

startDate_lesser?: number

startDate_lesser is a number representing the maximum start date of the media.

startDate_like?: string

startDate_like is a string representing the start date of the media that should be included.

status?: string

status is a string representing the status of the media.

status_in?: string[]

status_in is an array of strings representing the statuses of the media that should be included.

status_not?: string

status_not is a string representing the status of the media that should not be included.

status_not_in?: string[]

status_not_in is an array of strings representing the statuses of the media that should not be included.

tag?: string

tag is a string representing the tag of the media.

tagCategory?: string

tagCategory is a string representing the category of the tag of the media.

tagCategory_in?: string[]

tagCategory_in is an array of strings representing the categories of the tags of the media that should be included.

tagCategory_not_in?: string[]

tagCategory_not_in is an array of strings representing the categories of the tags of the media that should not be included.

tag_in?: string[]

tag_in is an array of strings representing the tags of the media that should be included.

tag_not_in?: string[]

tag_not_in is an array of strings representing the tags of the media that should not be included.

type?: "ANIME" | "MANGA"

type is a string representing the type of the media. It can be either 'ANIME' or 'MANGA'.

volumes?: number

volumes is a number representing the number of volumes of the media.

volumes_greater?: number

volumes_greater is a number representing the minimum number of volumes of the media.

volumes_lesser?: number

volumes_lesser is a number representing the maximum number of volumes of the media.