AiringScheduleResponse is an interface representing the response from an airing schedule query. It includes the id, airing time, time until airing, episode number, media id, and the media itself.

interface AiringScheduleResponse {
    airingAt: number;
    episode: number;
    id: number;
    media: Media;
    mediaId: number;
    timeUntilAiring: number;


airingAt: number

airingAt is a number representing the airing time of the airing schedule.

episode: number

episode is a number representing the episode number of the airing schedule.

id: number

id is a number representing the id of the airing schedule.

media: Media

media is an instance of Media representing the media associated with the airing schedule.

mediaId: number

mediaId is a number representing the id of the media associated with the airing schedule.

timeUntilAiring: number

timeUntilAiring is a number representing the time until the airing of the schedule.