MediaTrendsVariables is an interface representing the variables for the MediaTrendsQuery. It includes optional page, per page, media id, date, trending, average score, popularity, episode, releasing, media id not, media id in, media id not in, date greater, date lesser, trending greater, trending lesser, trending not, average score greater, average score lesser, average score not, popularity greater, popularity lesser, popularity not, episode greater, episode lesser, episode not, sort, and as html.

interface MediaTrendsVariables {
    asHtml?: boolean;
    averageScore?: number;
    averageScore_greater?: number;
    averageScore_lesser?: number;
    averageScore_not?: number;
    date?: number;
    date_greater?: number;
    date_lesser?: number;
    episode?: number;
    episode_greater?: number;
    episode_lesser?: number;
    episode_not?: number;
    mediaId?: number;
    mediaId_in?: number[];
    mediaId_not?: number;
    mediaId_not_in?: number[];
    page?: number;
    perPage?: number;
    popularity?: number;
    popularity_greater?: number;
    popularity_lesser?: number;
    popularity_not?: number;
    releasing?: boolean;
    sort?: string[];
    trending?: number;
    trending_greater?: number;
    trending_lesser?: number;
    trending_not?: number;


asHtml?: boolean

asHtml is a boolean representing whether to return the result as HTML.

averageScore?: number

averageScore is a number representing the average score.

averageScore_greater?: number

averageScore_greater is a number representing the minimum average score.

averageScore_lesser?: number

averageScore_lesser is a number representing the maximum average score.

averageScore_not?: number

averageScore_not is a number representing the average score that should not be included.

date?: number

date is a number representing the date.

date_greater?: number

date_greater is a number representing the minimum date.

date_lesser?: number

date_lesser is a number representing the maximum date.

episode?: number

episode is a number representing the episode number.

episode_greater?: number

episode_greater is a number representing the minimum episode number.

episode_lesser?: number

episode_lesser is a number representing the maximum episode number.

episode_not?: number

episode_not is a number representing the episode number that should not be included.

mediaId?: number

mediaId is a number representing the id of the media.

mediaId_in?: number[]

mediaId_in is an array of numbers representing the ids of the media that should be included.

mediaId_not?: number

mediaId_not is a number representing the id of the media that should not be included.

mediaId_not_in?: number[]

mediaId_not_in is an array of numbers representing the ids of the media that should not be included.

page?: number

page is a number representing the page number.

perPage?: number

perPage is a number representing the number of items per page.

popularity?: number

popularity is a number representing the popularity score.

popularity_greater?: number

popularity_greater is a number representing the minimum popularity score.

popularity_lesser?: number

popularity_lesser is a number representing the maximum popularity score.

popularity_not?: number

popularity_not is a number representing the popularity score that should not be included.

releasing?: boolean

releasing is a boolean representing whether the media is releasing.

sort?: string[]

sort is an array of strings representing the sort order.

trending?: number

trending is a number representing the trending score.

trending_greater?: number

trending_greater is a number representing the minimum trending score.

trending_lesser?: number

trending_lesser is a number representing the maximum trending score.

trending_not?: number

trending_not is a number representing the trending score that should not be included.