FollowersVariables is an interface representing the variables for the FollowersQuery. It includes optional page, per page, user id, sort, anime stat limit, manga stat limit, anime stat sort, and manga stat sort.

interface FollowersVariables {
    animeStatLimit?: number;
    animeStatSort?: string[];
    mangaStatLimit?: number;
    mangaStatSort?: string[];
    page?: number;
    perPage?: number;
    sort?: string;
    userId?: number;


animeStatLimit?: number

animeStatLimit is a number representing the limit for anime statistics.

animeStatSort?: string[]

animeStatSort is an array of strings representing the sort order for anime statistics.

mangaStatLimit?: number

mangaStatLimit is a number representing the limit for manga statistics.

mangaStatSort?: string[]

mangaStatSort is an array of strings representing the sort order for manga statistics.

page?: number

page is a number representing the page number.

perPage?: number

perPage is a number representing the number of items per page.

sort?: string

sort is a string representing the sort order.

userId?: number

userId is a number representing the id of the user.