MediaListsVariables is an interface representing the variables for the MediaListsQuery. It includes optional page, per page, id, user id, user name, type, status, media id, is following, notes, started at, completed at, compare with auth list, user id in, status in, status not in, status not, media id in, media id not in, notes like, started at greater, started at lesser, started at like, completed at greater, completed at lesser, completed at like, sort, score format, as array, and as html.

interface MediaListsVariables {
    asArray?: boolean;
    asHtml?: boolean;
    compareWithAuthList?: boolean;
    completedAt?: number;
    completedAt_greater?: number;
    completedAt_lesser?: number;
    completedAt_like?: string;
    id?: number;
    isFollowing?: boolean;
    mediaId?: number;
    mediaId_in?: number[];
    mediaId_not_in?: number[];
    notes?: string;
    notes_like?: string;
    page?: number;
    perPage?: number;
    scoreFormat?: string;
    sort?: string[];
    startedAt?: number;
    startedAt_greater?: number;
    startedAt_lesser?: number;
    startedAt_like?: string;
    status?: string;
    status_in?: string[];
    status_not?: string;
    status_not_in?: string[];
    type?: string;
    userId?: number;
    userId_in?: number[];
    userName?: string;


asArray?: boolean

asArray is a boolean representing whether to return the result as an array.

asHtml?: boolean

asHtml is a boolean representing whether to return the result as HTML.

compareWithAuthList?: boolean

compareWithAuthList is a boolean representing whether to compare with the authenticated list.

completedAt?: number

completedAt is a number representing the completion date of the media list.

completedAt_greater?: number

completedAt_greater is a number representing the minimum completion date.

completedAt_lesser?: number

completedAt_lesser is a number representing the maximum completion date.

completedAt_like?: string

completedAt_like is a string representing the completion date that should be included.

id?: number

id is a number representing the id of the media list.

isFollowing?: boolean

isFollowing is a boolean representing whether the user is following the media.

mediaId?: number

mediaId is a number representing the id of the media.

mediaId_in?: number[]

mediaId_in is an array of numbers representing the media ids that should be included.

mediaId_not_in?: number[]

mediaId_not_in is an array of numbers representing the media ids that should not be included.

notes?: string

notes is a string representing the notes for the media list.

notes_like?: string

notes_like is a string representing the notes that should be included.

page?: number

page is a number representing the page number.

perPage?: number

perPage is a number representing the number of items per page.

scoreFormat?: string

scoreFormat is a string representing the score format.

sort?: string[]

sort is an array of strings representing the sort order.

startedAt?: number

startedAt is a number representing the start date of the media list.

startedAt_greater?: number

startedAt_greater is a number representing the minimum start date.

startedAt_lesser?: number

startedAt_lesser is a number representing the maximum start date.

startedAt_like?: string

startedAt_like is a string representing the start date that should be included.

status?: string

status is a string representing the status of the media list.

status_in?: string[]

status_in is an array of strings representing the statuses that should be included.

status_not?: string

status_not is a string representing the status that should not be included.

status_not_in?: string[]

status_not_in is an array of strings representing the statuses that should not be included.

type?: string

type is a string representing the type of the media.

userId?: number

userId is a number representing the id of the user.

userId_in?: number[]

userId_in is an array of numbers representing the user ids that should be included.

userName?: string

userName is a string representing the name of the user.