This module contains unit tests for the functions in the src.merge_datasets module.
The tests cover
- Preprocessing of names to ensure correct formatting (test_preprocess_name)
- Cleaning of synopsis data by removing unwanted phrases (test_clean_synopsis)
- Consolidation of multiple title columns into a single title column (test_consolidate_titles)
- Removal of duplicate synopses or descriptions (test_remove_duplicate_infos)
- Addition of additional synopsis information to the merged DataFrame (test_add_additional_info)
- Handling of missing matches when adding additional info (test_add_additional_info_no_match)
- Processing of partial title information (test_add_additional_info_partial_titles)
- Handling of missing title data (test_add_additional_info_all_titles_na)
- Handling of whitespace and case variations (test_add_additional_info_whitespace_case)
Test the add_additional_info function for basic functionality.
- Adding additional synopsis information when titles match
- Creating new synopsis column in output DataFrame
- Correctly using mock find_additional_info function
- Handling English and Japanese titles
Source code in tests/test_merge_datasets.py
Test the add_additional_info function with completely missing title information.
- Handling rows where all title columns are NA
- Skipping processing for rows with no valid titles
- Maintaining data integrity for rows with all NA titles
- Correctly processing mixed rows (some with all NA titles, some with valid titles)
Source code in tests/test_merge_datasets.py
Test the add_additional_info function when no matches are found.
- Handling cases where no matching additional info exists
- Proper handling of NA values for non-matches
- Processing multiple rows with varying match conditions
- Maintaining data integrity for non-matching rows
Source code in tests/test_merge_datasets.py
Test the add_additional_info function with partial title information.
- Processing rows with some NA title columns but at least one valid title
- Matching based on available title information
- Handling mixed NA and non-NA title columns
- Correct synopsis assignment when matching on partial information
Source code in tests/test_merge_datasets.py
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Test the add_additional_info function's handling of whitespace and case variations.
- Processing titles with leading/trailing whitespace
- Handling different case variations (uppercase, lowercase, mixed)
- Correct matching despite whitespace/case differences
- Maintaining original data while normalizing for comparison
Source code in tests/test_merge_datasets.py
Test the clean_synopsis function to ensure it correctly cleans the synopsis column.
- Preserving valid synopses
- Removing specified unwanted phrases
- Replacing unwanted phrases with empty strings
- Handling multiple occurrences of unwanted phrases
Source code in tests/test_merge_datasets.py
Test the consolidate_titles function to ensure it correctly consolidates multiple title columns.
- Prioritizing the main 'title' column values
- Filling missing values from alternate title columns in order
- Handling multiple NA values across columns
- Preserving existing valid titles
Source code in tests/test_merge_datasets.py
Test the preprocess_name function to ensure it correctly preprocesses names.
- Converting strings to lowercase
- Stripping leading/trailing whitespace
- Handling None values (returns empty string)
- Handling numeric values (converts to string)
Source code in tests/test_merge_datasets.py
Test the remove_duplicate_infos function to ensure it correctly handles duplicate synopses.
- Identifying and removing duplicate synopses across columns
- Preserving unique synopses
- Handling NA values
- Maintaining original data structure and column order