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This module contains tests for the Flask API endpoints in the src.api module.

The tests verify the functionality of the /anisearchmodel/manga endpoint, ensuring it handles valid inputs, missing fields, and internal server errors correctly. The tests use a mock for the get_similarities function to simulate different scenarios.

The test suite includes
  • Testing successful manga similarity search with valid inputs
  • Testing error handling for invalid inputs (missing fields, invalid model names)
  • Testing internal server error handling
  • Parameterized tests for different invalid input scenarios

The tests use pytest fixtures for the Flask test client and model name configuration.


client() -> Generator[FlaskClient, None, None]

Fixture to create a test client for the Flask application.


Generator[FlaskClient, None, None]: A Flask test client instance that can be used to make requests to the application endpoints.

Source code in tests/
def client() -> Generator[FlaskClient, None, None]:
    Fixture to create a test client for the Flask application.

        Generator[FlaskClient, None, None]: A Flask test client instance that can be used
            to make requests to the application endpoints.
    app.config["TESTING"] = True
    with app.test_client() as client:  # pylint: disable=W0621
        yield client


test_get_manga_similarities_internal_error(client: FlaskClient, model_name: str) -> None

Test the /anisearchmodel/manga endpoint for internal server errors.

Verifies that the endpoint returns a 500 status code and an error message when an exception occurs during processing.


Flask test client fixture

TYPE: FlaskClient


Model name fixture from command line options

TYPE: str

The test
  1. Creates a valid payload
  2. Mocks get_similarities to raise an exception
  3. Verifies the 500 status code and error message
Source code in tests/
def test_get_manga_similarities_internal_error(
    client: FlaskClient,  # pylint: disable=W0621
    model_name: str,
) -> None:
    Test the /anisearchmodel/manga endpoint for internal server errors.

    Verifies that the endpoint returns a 500 status code and an error message
    when an exception occurs during processing.

        client (FlaskClient): Flask test client fixture
        model_name (str): Model name fixture from command line options

    The test:
        1. Creates a valid payload
        2. Mocks get_similarities to raise an exception
        3. Verifies the 500 status code and error message
    payload = {
        "model": model_name,
        "description": "A hero reincarnated as a slime.",

    with patch(
        "src.api.get_similarities", side_effect=Exception("Database connection failed")
        response ="/anisearchmodel/manga", json=payload)
        assert response.status_code == 500
        data = response.get_json()
        assert "error" in data
        assert data["error"] == "Internal server error"


test_get_manga_similarities_invalid_input(client: FlaskClient, payload: dict, expected_error: str) -> None

Test the /anisearchmodel/manga endpoint with invalid inputs.

Verifies that the endpoint returns a 400 status code and an error message when the input is invalid.


Flask test client fixture

TYPE: FlaskClient


Test payload with invalid input combinations

TYPE: dict


Expected error message for the given invalid input

TYPE: str

The test cases verify
  1. Missing model name
  2. Invalid model name
  3. Missing description
Source code in tests/
    "payload, expected_error",
            {"description": "A hero reincarnated as a slime."},
            "Model name and description are required",
                "model": "invalid_model",
                "description": "A hero reincarnated as a slime.",
            "Invalid model name",
        ({"model": "valid_model"}, "Model name and description are required"),
def test_get_manga_similarities_invalid_input(
    client: FlaskClient,  # pylint: disable=W0621
    payload: dict,
    expected_error: str,
) -> None:
    Test the /anisearchmodel/manga endpoint with invalid inputs.

    Verifies that the endpoint returns a 400 status code and an error message
    when the input is invalid.

        client (FlaskClient): Flask test client fixture
        payload (dict): Test payload with invalid input combinations
        expected_error (str): Expected error message for the given invalid input

    The test cases verify:
        1. Missing model name
        2. Invalid model name
        3. Missing description
    response ="/anisearchmodel/manga", json=payload)
    assert response.status_code == 400
    data = response.get_json()
    assert "error" in data
    assert data["error"] == expected_error


test_get_manga_similarities_success(client: FlaskClient, model_name: str) -> None

Test the /anisearchmodel/manga endpoint with valid input.

Verifies that the endpoint returns a 200 status code and the expected list of similarities when provided with a valid model and description.


Flask test client fixture

TYPE: FlaskClient


Model name fixture from command line options

TYPE: str

The test
  1. Creates a payload with valid model name and description
  2. Mocks the get_similarities function to return predefined results
  3. Verifies the response status code and structure of returned data
Source code in tests/
def test_get_manga_similarities_success(client: FlaskClient, model_name: str) -> None:  # pylint: disable=W0621
    Test the /anisearchmodel/manga endpoint with valid input.

    Verifies that the endpoint returns a 200 status code and the expected
    list of similarities when provided with a valid model and description.

        client (FlaskClient): Flask test client fixture
        model_name (str): Model name fixture from command line options

    The test:
        1. Creates a payload with valid model name and description
        2. Mocks the get_similarities function to return predefined results
        3. Verifies the response status code and structure of returned data
    # Sample payload
    payload = {
        "model": model_name,
        "description": "A hero reincarnated as a slime.",

    # Mock the get_similarities function
    with patch("src.api.get_similarities") as mock_get_similarities:
        mock_get_similarities.return_value = [
            {"name": "A slime with unique powers.", "similarity": 0.95},
            {"name": "Reincarnation in a fantasy world.", "similarity": 0.90},

        response ="/anisearchmodel/manga", json=payload)
        assert response.status_code == 200
        data = response.get_json()
        assert isinstance(data, list)
        assert len(data) == 2
        assert data[0]["similarity"] == 0.95