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AniLink is a Python library for interacting with the AniList API. It provides methods for querying and mutating data, making it easier to integrate AniList's features into your own applications.

  • Install

    Install AniLink with poetry, hatch, pip or pipx and start using it in minutes


  • AniList

    Use AniLink to query and mutate data from the AniList API

    AniList API

  • MyAnimeList

    Coming soon: Use AniLink to query and mutate data from the MyAnimeList API

    MyAnimeList API

  • Kitsu

    Coming soon: Use AniLink to query and mutate data from the Kitsu API

    Kitsu API

Error Handling

AniLink will throw an error if the AniList API returns an error. You can catch these errors using a try-except block.

Error Handling

  user = aniLink.anilist.query.user({'id': 542244})
except Exception as error:

This includes status codes and error messages returned by the APIs. Here is an example rate limit handler to catch the errors thrown by AniLink:

def handle_rate_limit(api_call, retry_after=60):
    while True:
            response = api_call()
            return response
        except Exception as error:
            if '429' in str(error):
                print('Rate limit exceeded, waiting for 1 minute before retrying...')
                raise error
Error Codes

The possible error codes returned by the AniList API are:

Status Code Description Example
400 Bad Request Missing variables, invalid variables, or invalid query
401 Unauthorized Invalid authentication token
404 Not Found User not found
429 Too Many Requests Rate limit exceeded
500 Internal Server Error AniList server


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.